Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Shopping Spree!

More pictures! We went shopping with our tax refund check. The below pictures are what we got, with $50!!!

6 pounds of ground pork for 1.99 a pound, costing 1.96 each! We dug out all the ones that were this price, as all the others were at least $3.00 a pound. These were vaccumed sealed and frozen.

We're debating how much the pork chops were (we don't have the recipt here) but in the picture it looks like it was $19, but I thought it was less than that. But there were 8 huge pork chops in there, and the chicken was a 6 pounder for 88 cents a pound! All the others were 98 cents a pound.

The boil in a bag rice, I don't usually buy, but these were $1.92 each, and they all had $1.00 coupons on them! We hunted down all of the ones with the coupons on them. So we got them for 92 cents each! The Clorox Dish Cloths and Kitchen Towels were on sale as well. Starting price was $5.96. We got the Dish Cloths for $2 and the Kitchen Towels were $3. The other item in the picture is cloth napkins. We've been meaning to buy some to last us until I get a serger to make some. They were $2 for 4 napkins.

Ok, so this was kinda a splurge. These are a new product that they had on sale for $2 instead of $2.98. We got some to try and loved it so went back and bought 6 bags to freeze!

This is my new pot rack. Not sure if another will be going up next to it, but here it is. Tabatha gave me the idea, and so I thought I'd thank her for that as well. It's just a shelf hung upside down. We bought the shelf for about $5 at Wally World, and then we bought hooks to hang it with, and S hooks to hang the pots with.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Daffy's... we think

No pictures today, but we think we have Daffodils coming up in the front yard. The irises we planted last fall seem to be spreading some as well.

I have started my very own coupon binder, and will post pictures of it soon. Haven't gone shopping with it really yet, but got to use a 20% off coupon at Big Lots yesterday, and got $39 for $33. Got some 1/2 off v-day stuff, and lots of groceries. Some scrapbooking stuff too. I love their scrapbooking stuff.

Ok, well I'll post more tomorrow (hopefully).

Monday, February 16, 2009

An organized Kitchen... almost!

More Pictures!!! I just can't stop now that I've figured it out!

Max again, being lazy, what he does best!

Princess & her Pa looking out the window "Whatcha looking at guys?"

This is what the babies got for Christmas. They were gorging themselves when they didn't have food out all the time, and they drink so much water we couldn't keep enough out for them! Got them at Dollar General for $2.50 each!

Ok, these are back to the kitchen. I was thoughtless for a bit, and took them all upright, and can't change them on this computer! This is the baking/cooking cabinet.

The vegetable cabinet.

The Fridge Door. All clean and pretty!

The inside of the fridge. The canned veggies are in there so that we think to use them quicker (DH's idea). It's so pretty clean!

The above the refrigerator freezer. This is used for the meals ahead, ice making and snacks. We haven't been grocery shopping yet this month.

I bought myself a toaster oven yesterday! It was only $10 at walmart (I hate that place but sometimes can get good things on clearance.) I'm still learning to use it, as I've never had one.

The freezer all organized. The top shelf is baking stuff, the next is meat, next is veggies and the bottom is fruit. In the door we have pot pies, freezer jam, frozen soups and jiffy mixes.

The top shelf of the freezer.
Next to the freezer we have a 5 gallon bucket for flour, and one for sugar, a small trash can of rice (we bought it for that purpose before having free 5 gallon buckets), and my containers of organized cookie cutters. More pictures tomorrow maybe!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Updates with pictures this time!!!

So I thought I'd add some pictures today, since I finally found the cord and learned how to do it. I don't have any pictures of the house on here, other than the project we've been working on.

This is Princess, our American Shorthair calico. She is about 2 1/2, and finally growing past some of her kitten-ness. When we first got her she wouldn't sit still for anyone, and was very fiesty, biting and clawing everyone. Now she will try to be good for pretty much anyone. She sleeps with Grant & I and when other people come over, she at least tries to snuggle up against them!
In this picture she's helping us with the sorting and organizing of the cabinets.

This one is Max, our Russian Blue. He is our baby. We've had him since before we got married. He's like 4 years old now. :( He's growing up too fast. He is a snuggler and such a baby. He wants to be with whichever of us is awake and in the house, and if no one is awake, then he needs to be near the one sleeping. They both are also great watch-cats. They both seem to take turns watching the door and seeing who comes in. Especially when I'm home alone sleeping.

Now I'll show you our project that we're still kinda working on.

First Grant cleared out all the cabinets... This caused some stress for a little while, as you can probably imagine, but it really helped getting everything out in the open so we could see what we had.

Here's all the store bought canned veggies, (we didn't have as much home canned last year, and some was given to us.)

All the "grains" and such went on top of the upright freezer.
For some reason some of the other "grains" made it onto the floor beside the freezer, along with beans and pasta.

Here is Grant modeling with his vienna sausages. He keeps telling me that if I go to visit one of my homesteading friends for a while to learn stuff, he will live off of vienna sausages and bread for the entire time I'm gone!

Here I am making my inventory of groceries.

These are of part of the inventory. I started with meat, and made a boxes for the amounts that we want to keep on hand, then I'm going to laminate them, so that when we use something we can mark the box, then when I go grocery shopping (hopefully eventually once a month) I can know what we need.

And this last one is Princess helping mommy make the inventory. She seems to like being involved. Thats all for now!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Things to come...

Yay! We spent all day yesterday morning orgainizing our freezers, refrigerator and cabinets. We finally got our upright deep freezer to our house, its been at a friends house since before we moved. We have been working on making up an inventory so that we can keep track of what we have and what we need. I have taken pictures of the whole escapade and as soon as we can track down the cord will be posting them (yes, I will finally have pictures!!!). Will update tomorrow!