Friday, September 19, 2008

Plain Living and the World...

My husband and I have been walking alot lately. Our car is back to being broke down, and since we live in town and want to get in better shape anyway, we've been walking everywhere. Today alone, by the end of the day we will both have walked at least 4-5 miles. (We went grocery shopping today). Anyway.... I've been observing people as we walk, the way people treat us and look at us in our semi-plain clothing.
For the last 8-9 months of my senior year I attended a Bible Holiness High School. In doing this, I had to adhere to their dress code of long skirts, shirts with elbows and collars covered, hair up. I have been trying to follow this more often now, out of convenience and comfort, as well as feeling more led to dress more modestly. I still wear shorts and pants around the house and doing outdoor work, but if I'm leaving the house I throw on a skirt. And with it being warm, and when the sun is out, I've been wearing a hat to cover my head and face from the sun. My husband has been wearing short sleeve or long sleeve button up shirts and long pants, accompanied by a felt hat most of the time while outdoors.
During our walks, we've noticed that alot of people are nicer to us, opening doors for us, letting us cross the street before they pull out, and such. The funny part is alot of people drive past with their mouths open, staring at us. I laugh as this happens, but it also makes me think. Makes me think about our brothers and sisters in the Amish and Mennonite communities, our Quaker brothers and sisters, our other plain brothers and sisters, and what they go through everyday, humbling themselves before God and others with their dress.

Well, I was going to continue on with the University of Oklahoma notebook, but with us walking, and it's fragile state, I'm going to take a break from it, until I can figure out a way to transport it without compromising its fragile state. However, on our way to the library today, we walked past a rummage sale that looked of interest. We walked up and I thought I was in heaven. It looked like an older lady was cleaning out years of party ware and cook ware as well as her sewing and craft stuff. There were other things as well, but I didn't look at that as much. I bought a good size bag full of recipes and recipe books for $1!!!!! I also got some mini cake tins for $0.75, a fry basket in really good shape for $0.25 and some copper colored metal salt and pepper shakers for $0.25!!!! There was also a rubbermaid tub (the smaller of the larger tubs) full of plastic canvas, embroidery, and cross stitch, some projects started, alot of untouched patterns, but it didn't have a price on it. The little old man wouldn't let me buy it without talking to his wife, so my husband is going back after I go to work to try and get it. I'm hoping for $5! There was alot of fabric and patterns, that I might go back tomorrow and look at. Well, here's a recipe from my pile!


1/2 cup molasses
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup melted fat
1/2 cup sour milk
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon soda
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon ginger
2 teaspoons cinnamon

Mix ingredients in order given, sifting soda with flour before adding.
Bake in slow oven in greased shallow pan.

(After note: 300*F for 35 minutes)


Dawn said...

Hi Dawn!
I think you and I are on the same Yahoo group together...either Keeper Sisters or Old Fashioned Christian Homekeepers...I forgot which one. :-)
Just thought I would stop by and say hello!

I am sorry your car is broke, I know how that goes!
Walking is very good exercise though. :-) And it's need to worry about gas money. :-)

Wow, never knew a high school would adhere to holiness neat!
I got saved in a holiness full gospel church 7 years ago. :)

I am 'plain' and oh yes, I could tell you the difference how people treat me compared to other women. Last week it was raining and hubby and I just got out of Chili's and didn't have our umbrella and this gentleman was going to walk me to my car by holding his umbrella over me for protection.
I declined because I don't mind getting a little rained on but even my husband thought that was really nice of him.

Oh yes, doors being held open, and just people seem to have more mannerisms around us 'religious' folks. :-)

I am not saying it's like that every time I am out. I still have to deal with rude people, people cursing, potty mouth teenagers, the stares, the gawks, ect., but I don't mind.

You got some great deals at the library!!! How neat!!!

I may have to try out that gingerbread recipe...yum, yum! :)

I hope you have a blessed weekend!


Egghead said...

Hi Dawn,

I really admire your aspirations about homesteading and living a debt free lifestyle. This recipe looks delicious and I love, love gingerbread. Much to the detriment of my back side. I hope you post more from the older cookbooks you found. Fun stuff!

Funny how the way your dress makes people be more courteous. I never thought about it from that perspective. I just assumed everyones manners have gone down the toilet now days.

I look forward to reading more.