Friday, October 17, 2008

Update on the house...

I had another 3 day "weekend" this week, as I will for a while, so I got alot done on the house. The kitchen is nearly completely unpacked and functional. The only thing left to work on in there is cleaning all the dishes that just got packed dirty (bad idea... next time I think I'll rent a dishwasher (can you even do that???)) and finding them a home, and sorting to decide what goes into storage and what's getting sold. Very hard decisions...

God has blessed us this past week with provisions for winter. I sent Grant (I don't think I've ever used his name before... that's my hubby) to the store yesterday to get some groceries for this week (when it takes 4 -5 hours to do a shopping trip and you have to walk at least 2 miles to the store and carry everything home, you try to do it as little as possible...) and he came home with very sad news... The sweet Vadalia onions are out of season. :( With my stomach problems this is the only kind of onions I can eat, and I wanted some to put up for winter. Oh well... The day was not a complete loss. He managed to find an apple tree across the street that the owners don't do anything with. So he asked them about anyone picking it, and they said no one picks it, no one tends it, so if we want them, we can pick every apple off the tree!!! So yesterday he brought me home a 5-gallon bucket of apples (we're not sure what kind, the little greenish colored ones, they are kinda tart but still sweet at the same time...) and worked up half of them. I made a batch of applesauce (just a small batch, the Betty Crocker recipe) that we had some of last night (it was amazing...) And saved some of the worked up apples in the fridge for today, in lemon juice of course. I still have 1/2 the bucket left to work up and I saw the tree today and it was still pretty full of apples! Thank goodness next week's weekend is sooner than later!

Well, on to my onions, I was pretty sad that I wasn't going to get my onions, but Grant went to the store today (this time to Walmart :( I don't like that store) to get a couple other things that the grocery store didn't have. He said as he was getting to the produce area the gentleman was bringing out a flat of Sweet Onions!!!! He said that one was the only store in town to get any, and that flat was the last shipment of the year!!! PTL! So he bought me 3 bags at $3 each, and a set of pantyhose to save them in, so I spent the morning tying my onions into pantyhose. I've never done this before... We'll see how it goes.

We're hoping with our tax refund this year to buy a computer and get internet set up in our house, so maybe by January or February I might be able to post everyday, and actually get recipes up!

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