Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spring is coming!!!

The robins are jumping around in the yard, the grass is turning green again, and the daffys are popping up!!!! I've been harvesting chives for about a week now!!! Hubby's got a 10 x 10 place in the backyard set up for a raised bed salad garden (It can be removed later Tabby, lol). We're hoping in the next few weeks to be able to borrow a tiller and be in the garden!!! :) What's going on in your garden?

1 comment:

Martha said...

Today was the first day I noticed robins singing in our neighborhood. It's so nice to finally see some signs of spring! I don't have a garden but have been wanting to have a raised garden for years. Perhaps this year I'll get my wish. Just gonna plant tomatoes, cukes, etc.