Well, It's been almost a year since I posted. I'm going to try to get back into posting a bit more often on all my blogs. We have had a whirlwind year.
My parents moved to Indiana in the fall of last year. So this is our first full year with having holidays on our own. Grant has had to work most of them, so it's been kinda hit or miss.
In January we found out we were going to have to move. This was a mixed blessing. We were sad to be loosing our big garden plot, but it was nice to be getting a nicer house. God blessed us with a new house to rent in 3 days after we had got our 30 day notice. We moved at the beginning of February. Our new house is 2 bedrooms, with a big kitchen (not much counter space though), a huge living room that we have split into a living room/craft room, a basement, laundry room, and storage areas! It is a really pretty house. We don't have room for an actual garden, but we have a container garden. It's been so dry and hot, our cucumbers, lettuce, and turnips have already died, and the herbs and peppers look like they may die soon too. We have gotten several tomatoes so far though!
May 11, our kitty, Max died. It was a very sad time, we ended up having to put him down after finding him not able to move. They said he had neurological problems.
That same day, we found out we were pregnant! We were so excited! May 26th I went to a carnival with some friends and I fell tripping over a tent peg. We were a little worried, so I went to the hospital to get checked out. We were diagnosed with a Blighted Ovum (when the baby stops forming very early on and is absorbed back into the uterus, but there is still an yolk sac). We were devastated. We spent that week praying and learning all we could. We went in for another ultrasound a week and a day later, and the doctor was able to find the baby! We even got to hear the heartbeat! That was the 1st of June. On June 7th, I had alot of cramping and bleeding. I went to the ER to get checked out, and by the time I got back and had an ultrasound, I had lost the baby. This has been a very sad time, but we find joy and peace in the time we had that week, having pictures and the memory of hearing our sweet baby's heartbeat. What a blessing, to have been able to see her (we thought it was a girl all along), and heard her heartbeat. We named her Tzeitel Dawn. Tzeitel being Yiddish for Sarah, meaning Beloved Princess, and Dawn meaning a new day (and being named after her mama).