Thursday, June 4, 2009

The garden is growing!

No pictures yet, the camera is down. But my dad came over last night and tilled up a bit of the garden, and we now have 2 tomatoes, 1 red bell pepper, 1 basil, and 30 ft of limas, and 45 feet of green beans and 1 wide row 12 ft long of peas. Also 5 sweet potato plants and 1 potato plant that came up volunteer! I also have some strawberries in a pot. We're hoping to have more of the garden ready soon to plant some more soon! Hopefully I'll be able to put pictures up soon too!

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Hi Dawn!

I have found your blog via SugarPie Farm House. I am following you and would love to have you follow me too.

I look forward to stopping by more often.