Ok... I think I've just decided to stick with the 1936 University of Oklahoma Home Ec. Notebook for a while. There's alot of good stuff in here. I was totally born in the wrong era. I so wish I could have gone to college during the era of the housewife!!!
Less Common Ways to Prepare:
1. Apples: polished and sliced crosswise;
peeled, scored with form from stem to blossom end and sliced;
balls, cut with a vegetable scoop.
2. Avocado: cocktail - 1/3 avocado, 2/3 pineapple cut in dice, lemon juice salt and paprika;
another cocktail: cut avocado and fresh tomato into balls, add french dressing;
salad: add mashed avocado to French dressing and pour over lettuce or other vegetable; combine with grapefruit or asparagus;
a sandwich filling: crush and mix with mayonnaise.
3. Bananas: peas in a pod
peel opened petal wise and served on paper doilie on plate with a fork;
bake in peel, slit open, add a bit of butter, serve hot.
4. Fresh pineapple: separate buds; serve 5 or 6 on a plate with a mound of sugar; use pineapple quills for garnishes
5. Grapes: cut in small clusters, serve on leaves of grape or hybiscus;
separate the grapes from the bunch leaving the short stems, dip in melted fondant.
6. Grapefruit: In basket or half grapefruit
In halves -- edges garnished with chopped parsley
7. Lemons for garnishing:
see illustrations on cards and in New Book of Cookery p. 395
prepare at least 6 ways
8. Oranges: on ribbon;
in blanket of whole orange;
sections in peel;
lunch basket oranges;
orange roses made of peel are nice candied and as a garnish.
9. Strawberries: Serve clean and cold, unstemmed on a leaf.
Fold back blossom and dip in malted malted fondant
10. Tangerines: Prepare as oranges on ribbon
or as sections in peel
11. Cranberries: Candied- (prick berries to prevent bursting)
1 cup sugar plus 1/2 cup water; boil to a thread (242*F)
Add 1 quart large red cranberries and simmer 5 minutes.
Remove from fire. Cover pan and let stand overnight.
Next day heat slowly and let simmer until berries are transparent.
Strain out the berries and drop into a platter of granulated sugar.
Place in a slow oven to dry a little.
Party Iced Tea
(Prepare 1/4)
1 quart hot water
Few sprigs mint or 1/2 teaspoon mint extract (spearmint)
2 cups sugar syrup
2 lemons
4 Tablespoons tea
Steep the tea with the mint leaves 5 minutes. Add the syrup and lemon juice and strain. If the extract is used add it after straining.
And since I won't be on tomorrow, since it's Sunday, here's a bonus recipe!!!
Orange or Grape Albumin
(Prepare 1)
1 orange, juice or 4 Tablespoons grape juice
1 egg white
chopped ice
Add the white unbeaten to the fruit juice which has been sweetened to taste. Cut in the white with scissors. Chill or add chipped ice and serve. The egg should not be evident at all.