Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Cookbooks have arrived!

So... now that I'm officially moved (YAY!!! Now for the yucky part of unpacking and organizing while working...) I can get back to what this blog was created for. I'm really excited because my cookbooks that I posted about before arrived yesterday! So I'm going to start posting recipes and such from them and a couple others that I have lying around. Just to give you an idea of what I'm using I'll give you a bibliography (big word for a list of the books I'm going to use).

Hows and Whys of Cooking
By Evelyn G. Halliday and Isabel T. Noble (both Home Economics professors from the
University of Chicago)
Printed by The University of Chicago Press in Chicago, Illinois in 1929
(This one is it's 3rd printing, the first was in 1928)

Ladies' Home Journal Cookbook
Edited by Carol Truax
Printed by Doubleday & Company in Garden City, New York in 1960
(This one is a first edition!!!)

University of Oklahoma School of Home Economics Advanced Foods Course Notebook
Most of which is written by Laura A. Miller
Printed in 1936
(You can find pictures of this one in an earlier post, it's the coolest!!!)

Ok, so here's today's sampling of what is to come.

From the University of Oklahoma Home Ec Notebook

Iced-Tea Cubes

1 orange, juice
3 lemons, juice
2 cups water
3 inches whole cinnamon
1 teaspoon whole cloves
1/4 teaspoon mint extract

Pour 2 cups hot water over the spices and let stand until cold. Add the fruit juices and extract. Maraschino cherries may be added for garnish. Freeze in the electric trays. Serve in iced tea.

I think that's all I will post for now. I can't wait to try this though. DH's grandma was a home-ec teacher who went to college at K-State (Kansas State University) in the 40's. He said she used to make this as a special treat, just for the Grandkids.

********Dollar General Savings!!!***********

The lawn and garden stuff has gone to 70% off!!!! That includes the decor/kitchen/and other stuff that's with that. (Anything with a green dot)

The summer toys/swim stuff is 50% off!!!!

The summer clothes are now 50% off!!!! (anything with a yellow dot)

The back to school stuff is now 25% off!!!! (anything with a red dot)

1 comment:

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

I love creative ice cubes, my daughter always freezes flowers (Johnny Jump-ups) in her ice cubes - makes very pretty lemonade garnish!